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IEC 60099-4:2014

IEC 60099-4:2014

Surge arresters - Part 4: Metal-oxide surge arresters without gaps for a.c. systems

Parafoudres - Partie 4: Parafoudres à oxyde métallique sans éclateur pour réseaux à courant alternatif

2014-06-30 /Vigente
Resumen (inglés):
IEC 60099-4:2014 applies to non-linear metal-oxide resistor type surge arresters without spark gaps designed to limit voltage surges on a.c. power circuits with Us above 1 kV. This third edition cancels and replaces the second edition published in 2009. This edition constitutes a technical revision. The numerous changes between the second and third editions are listed in the Foreward of the document. Keywords: testing of gapless metal-oxide surge arresters for a.c.power systems
Resumen (francés):
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