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IEC 62769-4:2021

IEC 62769-4:2021

Field Device Integration (FDI) - Part 4: FDI Packages

Intégration des appareils de terrain (FDI) - Partie 4: Paquetages FDI

2023-04-05 /Anulada
Resumen (inglés):
IEC 62769-4:2021 is available as IEC 62769-4:2021 RLV which contains the International Standard and its Redline version, showing all changes of the technical content compared to the previous edition. IEC 62769-4:2021 specifies the FDI Packages. The overall FDI architecture is illustrated in Figure 1. The architectural components that are within the scope of this document have been highlighted in Figure 1.
Resumen (francés):
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