Para búsqueda de normas ISO e IEC, utilizar términos en inglés
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Número de resultados: 16
UNE-EN ISO 13131:2023 UNE
Estado: Vigente / 2023-01-18
Informática sanitaria. Servicios de telesalud. Directrices de planificación de la calidad. (ISO 13131:2021).
CTN 139 Tecnologías de la información y las comunicaciones para la salud
UNE-EN 15224:2017 UNE
Estado: Vigente / 2022-08-16
Sistemas de gestión de la calidad. Aplicación de la Norma EN ISO 9001:2015 en los servicios sanitarios.
CTN 179 Calidad y seguridad en los centros de asistencia sanitaria
ISO/PAS 23617:2024 ISO
Estado: Published / 2024-05-24
Healthcare organization management — Pandemic response (respiratory) — Guidance on medical support for socially vulnerable groups
ISO/PAS 18999:2024 ISO
Estado: Published / 2024-01-29
Healthcare organization management — Pandemic response —Guidelines for respiratory infection prevention and control in hospitals
ISO/TS 17371:2023 ISO
Estado: Published / 2023-12-12
Healthcare organization management — Infection prevention and control (IPC) measures for cross-border workers
ISO 23447:2023 ISO
Estado: Published / 2023-10-24
Healthcare organization management — Hand hygiene performance
ISO 7101:2023 ISO
Estado: Published / 2023-10-03
Healthcare organization management — Management systems for quality in healthcare organizations — Requirements
ISO 5472:2022 ISO
Estado: Published / 2022-08-01
Healthcare organization management — Pandemic response (respiratory) — Walk-through screening station
ISO 5258:2022 ISO
Estado: Published / 2022-02-15
Healthcare organization management — Pandemic response (respiratory) — Drive-through screening station
ISO 22956:2021 ISO
Estado: Published / 2021-06-08
Healthcare organization management — Requirements for patient-centred staffing
ISO 22886:2020 ISO
Estado: Published / 2020-08-17
Healthcare organization management — Vocabulary
ISO/DPAS 23307.2 ISO
Estado: Draft / 0--
Healthcare organization management — Pandemic response — Guidance for managing infected patients with respiratory infectious disease
ISO/CD 18706 ISO
Healthcare organization management - Pandemic response (respiratory) — Functions and quality evaluation of test booth for specimen collection
ISO/CD 16473 ISO
Healthcare organization management - Pandemic response — Response resource information management
UNE-EN 15224:2013 UNE
Estado: Anulada / 2017-11-15
Servicios sanitarios. Sistemas de gestión de la calidad. Requisitos basados en la Norma EN ISO 9001:2008.
ISO/IEC Guide 63:2012 ISO
Estado: Withdrawn / 2012-01-10
Guide to the development and inclusion of safety aspects in International Standards for medical devices